I'm confident that those lines and processes are actually designed to be dehumanizing and demoralizing ... and despite that, at times we can find interstices where we can rest for a second and find a few moments of connection with our fellow human beings. I'm glad you were able to find those moments with Guarda and thank you so much for sharing this story.

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Indeed. I live in SWFL and I had a dear friend who was going through a terrible domestic violence matter in her marriage. About 7 years ago she had to go to the county to file some papers with the court. When she enters the room to choose which cattle call line she needed to stand it she was washed over with embarrassment and sham. At the end there was this large sign hanging from the ceiling that said DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Everyone regardless of what matter brought you to the court if you stepped in this room you would not miss this sign. She sent me a picture of it that day and I was livid. Well I needed to go to that court and submit some paperwork this past year and guess what sign still hangs?! I made my peace and told the representative that their sign was shameful and ought to changed to something that didn't advertise and embarrass those whom are already in a very challenging and stressful situation.

People are fooling themselves if they actually think that all this pronoun & gender identity world salad is about some sort of social equity; it's actually a means to exploit. The State doesn't care about your feelings or your privacy.

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Reminds me of TSA too… they spew the same gibberish over and over… I’m sure their not evil ppl just “doing their jobs”. Can I see your papers? ☹️

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022

Reading this once again and admire you. Your actions reflect my feelings every time I’m herded in to a line to get in a hospital. I have said and still say hospitals are now medical jails. Have worked in medicine for over 25yrs this is blatantly obvious but others just abide by the rules - employees. Perhaps not visitors b/c now there are signs everywhere saying they will not tolerate abuse or violence. Well they brought it on! I say speak up! And let them hear the reality of the situation vs what they’re “trained” to believe is normal. My younger sister is a nurse and said how nice it was for staff not to have intrusive family members around. Uh huh. You are a wonderful storyteller and I hope you’ll write something about surfing or whatever fun stuff lifts your spirits! Thanks!

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Over here In the uk the local government is a separate beast. More down to earth. Our security are lovely human beings. Think they see a lot of hardship. Wished the funding covered what is needed.

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It seems Guarda is a very nice man behind the reserved demeanor. I think we sometimes forget that everyone is a human being with feelings and if treated with kindness, they'll respond in kind. Thanks for sharing the link to the documentary. I was expecting to see how the Swedish company uses human blood to make it's fake human flesh like tasting burgers. Alas, the documentary is poignant and speaks to today's sad human condition. A couple of things struck me while watching that documentary:

What impact will the poisonous jabs have on the plasma industry?

Regardless, the industry is exploitive especially of the poor. They also contribute to the overall illegal drug trade especially in the US.

The industry is able to filter out everything but perhaps prion diseases. Yikes! We know the jab is causing prion-like diseases. What are the implications of that?

Last but not least, the US has become a dilapitated cesspool of the exploited and exploiters. Once again, the rich prey on the poor.

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So whats not normal is truly government is so far behind in modernization and automation its pathetic. I’ve worked in government my whole career and they truly suck at it. They don’t pay well- unions deflate the pay and politicos are awash in their own “legacies” so there is never a catch up on IT. Most IT staff are incompetent or overseen by politico incompetents - as a result. Just think if you accessed that same process but it was run by Delta Airlines. It be a whole different world. The reality is our government agencies are failing and they have been for about 20 years that’s why you’re in a line. Government innovation sucks. Capitalism always wins.. Its basic nuero-science theory. Whats motivates people? Generally money and the ability to rise and shine. Government sucks at all of it. They hire more instead of paying and investing in what they have because of the unions who want to grow in power and money (hint: dues). So welcome to the lines and more lines are coming as America turns full socialist commie brought to you by the garbage Democratic party. I #walkedaway thank god. More need to.

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Wonderful story

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Well, Jessica, how can I put this, and, I mean, don't take this the wrong way, but you're a gentleman and a scholar... did I really say that? I guess I would fail that exam - no Guarda job for me. Well whatever, but your story touched me.

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Thanks! I really enjoyed reading that. In between all the data arguments, cynicism and anger at Them, it's really nice to hear a human story. I haven't actually ready anything of yours so far, but I'm happy I stopped to read this.

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So happy that you were able to turn a potential draining and depressing time into such a beautiful heartfelt experience that restores our faith in simple humanity. Your story and insights certainly brightened my day too. Thank you, Unconditional Jessica!

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I enjoyed reading this recount of your experience. It was very heartwarming. Thank you for sharing.

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I still love this 💓

P.S. Jessica, I sent you a question via email (it went to your jessicar Substack alias) and just wanted to make sure it reached you safely.

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