Dr. Rose! I didn’t realize you were on Substack! I referenced your extraordinary work on VAERS extensively in my “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier). I asked Mathew to convey my gratitude to you for your brilliant and vitally important work but thought I’d follow up to thank you directly.

I am honored and grateful to stand beside dissidents like you as together we work to unmask totalitarianism and awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs.

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why thank you :)

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You are a superhero 🙌

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I second that. Dr Rose is amazing and has no idea how much she is admired and appreciated 👍

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Agreed! Very humble, too :-)

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My boss’s sister was recently diagnosed with cancer of the breast and lymph nodes (age 27). My boss also had a growth of her own in her midsection but I don’t think this was cancerous. Is it reasonable to suspect these incidences were a result of the triple jabs they’ve taken over the past 12-18 months?

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For VAERS report #1420695, the 1 yr old, how was it made clear that the visual acuity had diminished, and that he was vagal ("felt faint")? Typically a 1 year old is not that articulate. I entirely agree with the thesis of this entire discussion by Dr Rose, I am just trying to make sense of that vaers report, so that my colleagues that I wish to forward this to, cannot immediately argue this point. How did the parent know the 1 year old felt faint and had loss of vision?- M Robert Weiss, MD

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New LEAKED video on Israel study on Adverse Events that was HIDDEN from the public;


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I am a fan of your work in VAERS. Have you ever looked at the Countermeasures Injury Compensation program data? I’m wondering how that data compares to VAERS?

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This was an absolutely fantastic real. Excellent composition and detailing of your position.

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Which "Pfizer vaccine" did the patient get in March 2020? The Covid-19 injectables werent even being trialed until November 2020.

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41,916 baby-related reporst in VAERS starting with these character sequences in words:

fetus fetal feotal natal neonate embryo baby unborn born infant miscarr vagin ovar uter cerv falop stillb abortion mentstr breastfe lactat pregnan fertil

Excluded the large number of string 'not pregnant'.

Output: https://thingsweirdandwonderful.com/lot_codes/searched/2022-09-02_baby_etc.xslx

(Control-click in Link column to jump to any full writeup)

From CDC 2022-09-02 data drop, 1,401,890 covid reports

Background: Overview and Technical page at http://deepdots.substack.com/

(This info was obtained using the grep_search utility portion of that open-source code linked)

(There will be some false positive like ... baby was perfect ... etc)

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79,437 in Sep 16, 2022 data. Words/strings, all things baby-related:

fetus fetal foetus foetal natal neonate embryo baby infant unborn born stillb abortion miscarr vagin ovar uter cerv falop mentstr breastfe lactat fertil

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Dr Rose,

I read your sub stack religiously and appreciate your in-depth analyses as well as your sense of humor. I have two areas of concern: VAERS and lactating mothers:

1) I subscribe to and/or read various websites where people post first-hand reports of adverse reaction in either themselves or a spouse. In the vast majority of them they report that their physicians refused to link their health issues (cardiac, cancer, etc.) with the vaxx. Obviously, none of those will be reported to VAERS. The few people that self-report also note that there has been no follow-up after their VAERS report. My guess is that the under-reporting factor in VAERS is at minimum 10X and more likely 95X (i.e., 95% are never reported).

2) My niece had her second child about nine months ago. She's fully-vaxxed and a true believer in the vaxx. Her second child was tested for cerebral palsy at about age 5 months due to poor development. MRI (maybe it was a CAT scan?) shows fluid build-up and "pockets" of fluid in the child's brain. Of course we can't talk about it, but my gut tells me the spike proteins or other things from the vaxxes have transmitted to the child through nursing. Can you imagine the sh!t-show if/when all the vaxxed people find out they are not only killing themselves but their children? As a Doctor, do you have any access to databases where you could match young children to unusual testing and/or drug administration plotted against mother's vaxx status? Maybe health insurance payouts databases similar to the (scrubbed) DMED database?

Please keep up the good work. Thanks for keeping it free, too. If I had to pay $10/month to every person posting good information about the current state of affairs I'd be broke. :-)

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Hey doc, you’re gold. Keep going!

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Hi Dr. Rose, thank you for your research. I will be watching you grow. Appreciate your insight! God Bless!

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re: For the dermatologists: it ain't just about warts and allergic dermatitis no more - You asked - "If you’re under 25, looks like you’re not reporting Herpes zoster outbreaks. Ideas?"

I do have an idea. Here in Illinois, public school and non-public school age kids have been required to take the Varicella/chickenpox vaccine for more than 15 years, which means that age cohort is now the bulk of persons in the 12-24 age group. Immunization compliance data is collected annually by the illinois state board of education. I quick review of the published reports indicate a "protected and in compliance" rate that is near 97.00% each year for ALL school age children. Source: https://www.isbe.net/Pages/Health-Requirements-Student-Health-Data.aspx

Since I am not a paid subscriber to the Truth Watercooler, I could not post this on the actual blog post. The sincerity I feel when I read your blog posts made me feel I should find some method of connecting with you with response to your call for ideas. I thank you very deeply!

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just this morning I happened across charles lieber's name on an interesting patent while looking up info on plurality of electronic devices for some fleeting interest.

I'm not sure why it struck me but I'm glad I bookmarked it. hope you can make use of it.


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Nov 27, 2021
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Matt, are you following Steve Kirsch? (https://stevekirsch.substack.com) His team of experts (including Dr. Rose) has calculated the # of US deaths at 150,000 (at least) eight different ways. In my last article (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative), I referenced a report Steve provided me (https://www.skirsch.com/covid/Deaths.pdf) with that analysis.

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Dec 3, 2021
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So glad you’ve connected with Steve, and thank you for the kind words!

That was very gracious of you to offer your expertise to Steve. Perhaps you can join his A-team of vaccine-safety experts (https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/my-team-of-vaccine-safety-experts)?

Interesting to hear your perspective—even conservative estimates are still ridiculously outrageous and would have resulted in immediate suspension of the so-called vaccine in any other situation prior to the COVID Reign of Terror.

I’ve seen Steve using that 150k figure for a while and am wondering what date that calculation is based on as it likely needs updating. VAERS is currently at 19,249 international and 8,898 domestic through 11/19/21.

I’ll be curious to hear the results of your analysis.

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Dec 3, 2021
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Great to hear you’re on Team Steve! ;-)

And YES, pre-2020, VAERS data was used as a safety signal to pull vaccines after a minuscule number (e.g., 15) of injuries (not even deaths) in numerous instances. See my “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier/) for more details if you haven’t already read it.

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Dec 3, 2021
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